Generate Api Key Php Laravel

Posted : admin On 19.04.2020

Dec 01, 2019  In this laravel 5.8 rest authentication api example, we would love to share with you how to create rest full api in laravel 5.8 using passport. Step by Step guide to build rest api in laravel application using passport authentication in laravel applications. Laravel passport authenticate users and do not maintain session. This command will create the encryption keys needed to generate secure access tokens. In addition, the command will create 'personal access' and 'password grant' clients which will be used to generate access tokens: php artisan passport:install. After running this command, add the Laravel Passport HasApiTokens trait to your App User model.

  1. Generate Api Key Php Laravel Tutorial
  2. Laravel Php Framework


Run composer require ejarnutowski/laravel-api-key.

Jan 12, 2017  API token authentication is an important security aspect of Laravel apps. Learn how to generate API tokens for authentication in Laravel 5.5. Laravel 5.5; PHP 7.0; MySQL; Since I don’t want o get sidetracked by server management during this tutorial, I decided to host the test app on a Cloudways managed server. In addition to a great. Aug 24, 2017 Running php artisan key:generate in a Laravel project where the.env file does not contain an APPKEY= line results in the following output: Application key base64:KEYHERE= set successfully. However, the key is not written to the.env file, so the status message is incorrect. Laravel 7 is recently released with many enhancements, so we'll be learning, throughout this tutorial series how to create an example REST API CRUD application from scratch. The application we'll be building is a simple CRM with a MySQL database that exposes a set of REST API endpoints.

In your config/app.php file, add the Laravel API Key service provider to the end of the providers array.

Publish the migration files

Run the migrations

ExportPrivateKeyprint(privateKeyXml)# Save the private key in PEM format:privKey = chilkat.success = privKey. Rsa generate private a public key python access. LoadXml(privateKeyXml)success = privKey.

3 new database tables will be created:

  • api_keys
  • api_key_access_events
  • api_key_admin_events

Managing Keys

Generate a new key using php artisan apikey:generate {name}. The name argument is the name of your API key. All new keys are active by default.

Deactivate a key using php artisan apikey:deactivate {name}.

Activate a key using php artisan apikey:activate {name}.

Delete a key. You'll be asked to confirm. Keys are soft-deleted for record keeping.

List all keys. The -D or --deleted flag includes deleted keys


Implementing Authorization

A new auth.apikey route middleware has been registered for you to use in your routes or controllers. Below are examples on how to use middleware, but for detailed information, check out Middleware in the Laravel Docs.

Route example

Controller example

Authorizing Requests

In order to pass the auth.apikey middleware, requests must include an X-Authorization header as part of the request, with its value being an active API key.

Unauthorized Requests

Requests that do not pass authorization will receive an HTTP 401 Status Code with the following response

Event History

Generate Api Key Php Laravel Tutorial

All API requests that pass authorization are logged in the api_key_access_events table. A record is created for each request with the following information:

  • api_key_id
  • ip_address
  • url
  • created_at
  • updated_at

Any time an API key is generated, activated, deactivated, or deleted, a record is logged in the api_key_admin_events table. Each record contains the following information:

  • api_key_id
  • ip_address
  • event
  • created_at
  • updated_at


Laravel Php Framework

Openssh generate public key from private key. The Laravel API Key package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.